FAINT - (superl.) Performed, done, or acted, in a weak or feeble manner not exhibiting vigor, strength, or energy slight as, faint ….t.) To cause to faint or become dispirited to depress to weaken. PHRASE - (n.) A brief expression, sometimes a single word, but usually two or more words forming an expression by themselves, or ….i.) To group notes into phrases as, he phrases well.
dam, ˈdaa(ə)m verb ( -ed/-ing/-s ) Etymology: Middle English dampnen, from Old French dampner, from Latin damnare to condemn, … ˈfānt adjective ( -er/-est ) Etymology: Middle English faint, feint (also, deceitful, feigned), from Old French, from past participle … ˈfrāz noun ( -s ) Etymology: Latin phrasis, from Greek, from phrazein to point out, show, explain 1. Webster's New International English Dictionary
(|)wi]th, ]th, _wə] preposition Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, preposition & adverb, against, opposite, toward, with akin to … More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «TO DAMN SOMETHING WITH FAINT PHRASE» in dictionaries.